Astrological base Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Brahma and Vedanta there is two way of life

Astrological base the planet and the Sanyas Bhabha and the knowledge intellect the essence of life Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta base on the astrology there is two way of life what are these and why this are essential in our life the Sanyasi Babu mukhya Bhava the life running towards the saturn Sunny on the base of astrology and Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta

The seers of the Upnishad emphaticallt declare that the real man is the all prevending Immortal soul which is the substararion of this body, mind and world,which is the behind the five sheaths, viz the food sheath, the vital sheath, the mental Sheath, the intellectual sheath and peaceful sheath.

The goal of life is the direct cognition aur realisation of this self Luminous self which is hidden in the body like fire in wood and water in milk this self is the inner ruler or interior me he is the unseen Governor or hidden proprietor of this house the body. Real religion is the Attainment of the transcendental. Supreme,undying tattva Or principle through constant

The Recess of your attend this mysterious and marvelous Atma through the eye of intuition or the divine inner third eye and the explain things of this world in light of there knowledge.

You can ascend the summit of the hill of knowledge of self through scinece art of nature music etc. This the indirct method from the effort you go to the cause and ultimely reach the causeless cause of param barhma Or the ultimate transcensental Truth.

Our Western scientist will be gropping in water darkness if their purpose is only to invent somethings for our physical compounds or convenient living the goal of science is to find out the one ultimate truth which is the substrarum of the atoms.

Molecules. Electron, energy, motion and all physical and mental phenomena and all the laws of nature through enquriy. “There is nothing Beyond and this world” Proclaims now. “The more I know of the phenomena, the more I am puzzle intellect is finite and cold. Behind these changing phenomena there is the unchanging Noumenon

Behind the rotating dynamic electrions, there is the statics motionless something or something beyond the intellect and the world” Brahman off D upnishad is the Atma of the Vedant who is the lord of laws of nature.

Shani in 9th house or Sunny in 12th house the base of mentality and mind towards Supreme soul that Brahmin and this is nothing but lead towards mukhya Mukti renunciation of this human life and human path towards that Supreme goal Brahman

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