when good time will come for Capricorn sign Makar Rashi why African and Makar Rashi people severely affected effected pain in sadhesati certain 7 and half year

topic is win with 7 and half year and above this problem with 7 and half year since last 5 and half all kind of problem will automatically solve a way and we will free from such kind of physical mental economical social problem and h

I think it is very soon this is 45 days after 45 days in the lab of this is called ow will be in which time particular life

due to loss of their self respect and also people insult insulted them and also you know and this is the condition held when certain in the second house in the accurate sign Kumbh Rashi certain is running now and it is now in the condition of retro towards Theni start and when Saturn is in that means it is the good time period

part of your life is known this is in our India particularly all the knowledge Pandit and all the exclusive store that thing when certain leave you in the time generally

the time in your 12th house in the time generally you lose your weight of your life not physical well it is your weight of your life your personality destroyed in that time but now this is the recovery of your personality of your mental power recovery of your mind power and also

that the condition in the position of Saturn is in which house and in which Nakshatra if the saturn is in the Nakshatra danger zone danger Nakshatra from your moon sign Nakshatra then it may creates on problem

if you want to save away from this certain effect in your life thank you

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