Spiritual food for best health and spiritual health for development of internal health

The practical method of this science are determined in accordance with the mode of creation of the gross and subtle bodies of , as taught in the vedantas . It must be understood that creation is not something that took place at a remote time in the past because it is going on even now this is the substance of what we are taught in those sacred books. Spiritual food for best health and spiritual health for development of internal health

From the supreme Being was born the extremely subtitle substance known as the sky which is also called Ether from the Ether air came into being . From here light was born , from light water form , from water Earth from earth, plants from plants , food and from the food bodies of all the creature came into being . What is mean that all these 5 grades of substance stand in the relation suggested by disorder of involution or evolution.

The plants, it must be noted at the effects of interactions of the earth with the other for element of creation . so all the virtues of all the five recite in food that is holds them such food is called positive food , other food are called negative .

First all the bodies are made up of the five kind of matter . Hence health and longevity rise from the body being maintained in its proper relation to this its original sources

The contact with the earth is not direct, but only through food. But there is direct contact with the other 4 4. There for there is no such thing as Earth your apart from food cure. Food is one of the five sources of help and is there for also the means of cure ; without it the return of Lost health would be impossible. By cure we mean the return of help where by disease vanishes of itself. The use of earth as an aid to cure is an item in the water cure as will be seen letter. Earth is used only as a medium for water.

The excess of the extremely subtitle force called Ether is very abundant in fasting ; in dieting it is much less. If would be taken at wrong times or in excess, then the access to this power is cut off, and hence there will be weakening of life force and the diseases will become incuraeble. Of all the five the sky power is the highest and the most important, being the subtlest. The other four are only next in value, in their natural order, as set forth above

Like the two Wings of a bird , both fasting and positive dieting are equally essential for the maintenance of health , nd for it recovery when lost. But where is the birth uses both Wings simultaneously,the follower has to use this two food medicines alternatively. this is to be remember especially by him that has a deep rooted, chronic kind of disease on the diet your ignoring fasting hands the chronic must fast at it intervals as well we explain in the proper place.

Hense also it follows the wholesale positive food needs to be taken in medicinal rations, not in excess , as else it will do little or no good what is not foot should never be taken as medicine this rule is for the benefit of those the desire to desire when attain health .

No purely inorganic substance such as metals or metallic compounds is fit to be employed as medicine. In this connection it must be noted that the excellent word medicine has been degraded by its use by Medicos to denote drugs which are poisons And Deadly to life and subversive of health. So we must dissociate it from the falls meaning given to it by the Medicos by the light we get from the vedantas. Drugs are not medicines because they are poison . Spiritual food for best health and spiritual health for development of internal health

All earthy salts if taken habitually even in the slightest excess will destroy help in course of time. Hen common salt must be taken very sparingly if it cannot be renounced all together. Among plan product poisonous one must be strictly rebonded because they are not food. Food and medicines are two name from the same thing. We must share is the excellent teaching of hypocrites of Athens namely let food be the medicine and let medicine be the food the former part of the sentence is for the sick the letter is for the healthy. The sake positive food is a true medicine not drugs which are elimical to health and life. To the healthy medicinal food is the means of freedom from disease in natures practically unlimited power to sustain help and to restore it when lost. The Medicos wrongly call him the father of medicine meaning there by their own help breaking truly he was a teacher of hygienic way and this principle apply to all person whether well or ill as well we seen in due course.

The system called by the same name, which is now practiced by those who call themselves professor of Ayurveda is a perversion of the art that originally prevailed due to use of Mercury and other deadly drugs Spiritual food for best health and spiritual health for development of internal health.

Spiritual food for best health and spiritual health for development of internal health

The herbal AIDS to the help. Recommended in the ancient preceded. book or Satvik food herb capable of healing all the three kinds of abnormality, called dosa vital years, bile and pilgrim mentioned in the books. Hands in their use there is no need to search for specific all of them are good for all as help as training therefore is our system we do recognise this to you subdivision of abnormality.

In the same Upanishad we have the sentence, food is called anum because it is eaten and because it also there is a Vedic text which safe food is that giving as well as life sustaining. This to sentence 1 hours against the misuse of food. Food is misused become toxic and Provogue diseases but if we writely use, it is mean of healthy body structure and its us a mean of positive health and longitudinal. The Upanishad search give us the knowledge of the unity of food and medicine. Does physician that use non food substance as medicine and Cox and should be boycotted by those that care for health and the happy old as.

Does in our divine science we have the five fold medicine, which is not distinct from food by remembering wish we shall avoid mistakes that would cause suffering and disappointment.

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