Two malefic planet Rahu and Satan aur Mars aspect to any house means delay and something in Problem

Any two malefic planet aspect to any spcs planet then that auspicious planet will have no capacity to give good result or auspicious result it is convert into millifique planet somehow not 100% then means it means what in marriage some delay me the more chances about delay in marriage life

Ok ok see general general those people are in this condition of series you know if certain agent 7th house and Mars is your Lagna and Saturn and Mars aspect to each other and some other many feet planet aspect to the house of 7 house

And I am I just want to independent like okay this kind of thinking may come to your mind okay weather may your if first it is my advice if you are parents allowed you or your parents try for your marriage then you must go through your parents you must obey them it is very essential okay

It is natural from social level and mental able harmful for you you master sorry you are crying something okay okay something problem with they just blaming you that obey us and it is your interest and we just not you know do something for you

In the life of girls it is very essential you must obaid to your parents father and mother or the society if they just force you to marriage you may but another part is about your heart about your lover relation or about your emotion anything it may be ok practical then you may accept otherwise you just go through your parents and family then we will we say natural

Retro mens what no you must face the repeat and repeat same problem with your life and they return back because this is retro planets repetition something is you not stay away not favour away it will back okay and remember it and the more important part

Who come to with you Priya relation with you or love affairs with you and the time of Sunny Sade Saathi Satin 7:30 since last 5 year means they are not fixed in your life they come and way away they come and go away and after 30 years the same incident again repeat with your life

Before Sade Sade Satan Sade Saathi then chances more okay repeat you will achieve that same person the chances is more if it is before sex 6 and 7 year back within 5 year to 6 year this relation is there then chances is very less ok

There is more about fraud with relationship okay that is Dhoka with Pyar Prem Mein Dhoka that is a more chances and maximum guys you know maximum boys and girls are affected infected by the kind of problem they create lob relationship the create more physical mental relationships heart relationship

At the time of transit when certain transit to second from your moon it will give you so ka Dukha in your heart and how it how it will give you if such kind of fraud with fraud incident happened with you then this is the way to give you that kind of pain okay any more question

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